Marketing From the ’80s That Still Works Today

I’ve said it before and I say it here again, most of the best advertising strategies were figured out ages ago. In today’s post I teach you how turning your content into advertisements worked in the 1980’s and is still working today.

Marketing Fundamentals: How to Market to the Right People Every Single Time

Today we’re finishing up the Private School Marketing Fundamentals series that I’ve been doing for the last 3 posts with today’s post being all about how to make your marketing extremely effective by only marketing to the right people. This concept is the most important one if you are currently running paid advertising to get or retain students.

Split Testing Your Marketing (How to & What to Expect)

Truly I tell you this is how you turn more of your website visitors into enrolled members of your private school. In my opinion this is one of the highest ROI types of marketing that you can do for your school. This week I show you how to use split testing to get the most out of the traffic you’re already receiving and essentially find more free money.

How to Get Prospective Families to Pay Attention to Your Marketing

Storytelling in marketing is a term that is so overused and washed out that people hardly know what it actually looks like, let alone why it works. In today’s post I teach you why you should package your school’s benefits and offers into a story using a real-world example so you know exactly what it looks like.

Remarketing Advertising for Schools

Okay, so we’ve talked about email marketing and direct mail marketing for increasing student retention. Today we’re going to talk about running remarketing ads. You might think, “Why would I advertise to my current families” to which I would remind you that it is 7 times more expensive to gain a new customer than it is to retain a current one.

Google Ads For Schools

google ads for schools

How to set up Google Ads for schools, which campaigns type is right for your school, and how to get the most out of your campaigns!